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What to talk about on the first date

Postby Overlord Pimp » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:14 pm

So, you've come to point where it's time to meet your date for the very first time. You catch up, walk to a nearby cafe or bar, sit down and make your orders. You´ve already managed the "Hi,-nice-to-meet-you,-how-was-your-day,-nice-weather-we-got!" small talk and it suddenly gets silence... it´s time to make a move, open your mouth and start a conversation, but what the hell shall you talk about!?

A typical beta male or a "nice guy" would most probably start to talk about boring subjects, such as foreign policy, how great the engine in is his new car is, subjects that he thinks will impress the girl in different ways. Or even worse he starts to tell her how much money he makes just to implify that he of course can afford buying her things. Your date thinks "How lame, he just tries to manipulate me".

Engaging in techniqual or financial conversations in attempt to impress the woman with you intelligence or potential of becoming a rich man is a huge mistake. It immediately kills the attraction that your date eventually felt for you from the beginning since it communicates to her that you´re desperate and of low value. Remember, you are the Alpha Male, the Premium Pimp that does not need to seek approval, you don't need to impress her, you are of high value and she is the one that should be seeking your approval.

Women are not stupid and if they sense that you´re just playing the "mating ritual" then they'll lose interest. So refrain to talk about your latest stock trade or your new position as a key account manager until you´re hanging out with your mates.

Don't get me wrong here though, you don't wanna act like an idiot. Women find it attractive when a guy is an expert in some area, just make sure that it´s a topic that she also has interest in, not some mentally super boring topic like finite element methods or something like that! If you're not already an expert or have high skills within some area then it's time for you get some kind of interest. It can be anything, cooking, wavesurfing, climbing, real estate, antiques, music, movies etc... as long as you know enough about it. And still don’t talk about it unless she basically begs you.

A man that is an expert at something is automatically an alpha male within that area, just make sure that the facts you share with the woman is something that will fascinate her, don't say things that a boring professor would say.

So if we go back to the situation where you're with your date at the cafe, bar or whatever. Just don’t come up with anything to talk about, ask her things instead. Keep asking her questions about her work, her hobbies, her music taste, what she has been up to the last few days... sooner or later you´ll find something that you have in common or a topic that she is interested in… Now you kindly give her the opportunity to impress you with her skills and knowledge and this is a battle she will want to win. Don’t let her do it to easily. When the conversation is flowing well you slip in to the subject of sex in a smart way, it should seem like it happens by accident and a good tip is to do it after some drinks. Don’t ask her about details, be general. And don’t start talking about your fantasies or experiences, you are the alpha male… if you have fantasies you have already lived them… all of them. And you are not proud of it, it’s just a fact. She however is likely to open herself to you, a safe experienced alpha male that obviously don’t kiss and tell…
Overlord Pimp a.k.a. founder of I´m your supervisor, my goal is to make you a Premium Pimp!
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Overlord Pimp
Overlord Pimp
Overlord Pimp
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